How gold can be sold in Ghana, easily and for cash, and good prices...

Report on visit to gold dealer in Akwatia, Ghana

Akwatia, gold buyer in Ghana

When did you visit a gold dealer in Akwatia?

I have visited the gold dealer and buyer of gold on Sunday, January 10th in 2016.

Explain why did you visit a gold dealer in Akwatia, Ghana?

To observe and make photos of how gold is sold and paid in Akwatia. This is our undergoing effort to prepare for the gold mining startups in Ghana, under management of the company Start Your Own Gold Mine.

How far is the dealer located from the center of Akwatia?

The dealer is located right in the middle of Akwatia, near Accra. This is not the Akwatia in Ashanti region.

Gold buyer in Akwatia, near Accra, Ghana

How distant is Akwatia from Accra?

Akwatia is just 78 kilometers or 48.47 miles from Accra, Ghana.

Gold buyer in Akwatia, near Accra, Ghana

Does the dealer have security measures for his office, and which?

Yes, he has an office security guard and CCTV cameras, including security doors and bars.

How many grams were sold to the dealer of gold?

The total of 64.80 grams of gold was sold to this gold buyer and dealer, during my visit.

Selling 64.80 grams of gold in Ghana

What is the name and contact information of the dealer?

The name of the gold dealer and buyer is Mr. Isaac Anu. The contact informations further available by contacting our website. Mention the dealer ID: 123829.

What equipment did dealer use to weigh and verify the purity of gold?

He used the Mettler Toledo Scale using the density and weight method to find out the fineness of the gold.

How quickly did he pay the money?

He paid the money on the spot, in cash.

Selling 64.80 grams of gold in Ghana

Did you get a receipt?

Yes. There was a receipt issued on the spot.

Receipt issued on the spot, no ID asked

Did you need to show your ID to the dealer?

Not at all.

Are there other dealers in Akwatia and how many approximately?

Yes, there are about 15 gold dealers just in Akwatia, each of them is gold buyer and they are paying cash for gold on the spot, for highest gold prices.

What prices he paid?

The current gold price as of January 10th, 2016 is and was: $1097.45 per ounce, based on the London Bullion Market Association.

The gold dealer in Akwatia, paid on January 10th, 2016, the gold price close to the current gold price on the world markets.

Selling gold in Ghana

Why would anyone sell heavy discounted gold to foreign people?

A true gold owner, in Ghana, would under NO circumstance sell heavily discounted gold to foreigners. This report of today, from January 10th, 2016, proves that gold can be sold in Ghana, for enough good price, that people don't need to search for any foreign "buyers".

Beware of any offers for gold in Ghana, if you receive such offer by Internet. If you don't know nothing about the business in Ghana, you are welcome to use the trusted concierge in Ghana services or consulting services by Start Your Own Gold Mine company.

Frank Boateng, trusted concierge in Ghana

RCD Wealth is creator of wealth generation programs such as it is Start Your Own Gold Mine. Very correct and accurate information on this page has been provided by Mr. Frank Boateng the trusted concierge for gold and diamonds in Ghana. He is very experienced, accurate and honest person.

This report shall show to foreign investors and potential gold buyers, that gold can be easily sold in Ghana for almost spot gold prices. There is no problem with cash or liquidity. Gold is not cheap. We advise you to be very careful when dealing with people who send you gold and diamond offers by Internet.

Frank, signature

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Current Gold and Silver Price

Current gold price as of March 13th 2021 is US $55.52 per gram or US $55526 per kilogram. Current silver price is US $25.93 per ounce or US $0.91 per gram or US $910 per kilogram.

Call Communication and Reporting Officer I/C of Start Your Own Gold Mine company in Tanzania, Mrs. Happiness Njela, on +256771843538

If you wish to call mentor Mr. Jean Louis for anything relating to Start Your Own Gold Mine simply call the number or on mobile devices click on this phone number +256771843538 to get immediately in touch, regardless of the time zone.

Current location of Mentor to Start Your Own Gold Mine

I am Mr. Jean Louis, mentor for Start Your Own Gold Mine program and I am currently located in Kampala, Uganda, preparing for the departure to new mining site on behalf of one of our clients.

I am managing teams of people in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania on distance and exploration and gold mining face to face. We are also promoting our Tanzanite gemstone inventory.

You will need either to contact me or Communication and Reporting Officer I/C and geologist, Mrs. Happiness Njela in Tanzania as described.

Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine

Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine. There is a simple rule at Start Your Own Gold Mine: if we can help you, we do, whenever and wherever necessary, and it's the way we've been doing business since 2002, and the only way we know

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