Are you looking for joint venture in mining or prospecting?
Many gold mining lands owners and mineral license holders inquire with our company and invite us to inspect the mining site.
Usually such mining sites are not developed.
So often mining sites do not have even one open shaft or any activity engaged.
That creates situation and invitation that we shall rather invest into prospecting activities instead of actual mining activities.
In this articles you may understand the difference between the prospecting and exploration stage and actual mining stage.
This articles describes our specific approach and manner of engaging into joint venture with owners or mineral license holders of the potential gold mining lands.
Your mining land either belongs to the group that has the tangible gold bearing ores or it belongs to group of mining lands that require gold prospecting services.
To make it very simple and understandable, it is best to understand that joint ventures that we would like to create are for the exploitation of tangible gold bearing ores.
For all other lands, we may provide gold prospecting services.
Tangible gold bearing ores
Tangible gold bearing ore is that ore that we are dealing with. We do not deal with ores that are not tangible, maybe written or identified in some reports or vague hearsay stories. We are looking for tangible gold bearing ores.
Tangible gold bearing ores are for example dumps of excavates ores with enough gold that makes it profitable to process, crush, grind, recover gold out of it.
Tangible gold bearing ores are also alluvial or placer deposits where it is clear that profitable operation may last for at least months, and where such ores may be accessed within minutes upon the arrival to mining site.
Tangible gold bearing ores are often located in open pits or in vertical shafts, or horizontal shafts or drifts, and may be accessed, taken with hands, immediately verified by using most practical gold recovery methods on the field.
We are interested to form joint ventures with purpose to exploit the tangible gold bearing ores.
If you have tangible gold bearing ores on your mining lands, they are accessible and by transportation of first mining equipment to mining site, such ores may be immediately exploited and gold may be recovered.
We would like to engage in joint ventures with such mining lands.
Prospecting services for mining lands without tangible gold bearing ores
When ores are not accessible and not specifically known where they are, and cannot be taken in hands and simply cannot be verified within minutes or hours first day upon the arrival to mining site, that means that mining land does not have the tangible gold bearing ores and that the next step should be gold prospecting or exploration.
Gold prospecting services may be obtained from company Start Your Own Gold Mine anywhere in East Africa, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya or Tanzania, and may be conducted anywhere in the world.
We may discuss about various stages of gold prospecting and exploration that may be done on the potential gold mining site.
Agreement is then signed up between the mineral license holder or gold mining land owner and our company Start Your Own Gold Mine.
Gold prospecting equipment is then manufactured, or if it is already imported into country, such is transported to mining site. Accommodation and business resources are arranged for gold prospecting activities.
A team of trained and skilled gold prospectors is then arriving to mining site.
We are then conducting the Preliminary Site Assessment and Inspection and gold prospecting.
Matrix Gold Prospecting is program and manner of organized and reporting methods of identifying the ore deposits by most practical and least expensive means.
The first stage is surface and shaft prospecting, that may give valuable reports of locations and depths of alluvial or eluvial gold findings, and anticipatory lode-gold, and may identify accesses to the ore-bodies.
The future profits and expenses are estimated based on such information. Once the ores have been found, and profitability determined, it is recommended to start the gold production with the available or readily available and inexpensive equipment.
Once the first stage has been accomplished, the land may become valuable so that the investment companies, or our company, may be interested to conduct further prospecting and probably immediately engage into the gold production.
In the first stage, the prospecting efforts are conducted with limited capital and operational expenses of the equipment and methods in use have to be as cheapest as possible.
The first stage of the Matrix Gold Prospecting program is modernization and improvement of simplest and most practical and also inexpensive gold prospecting methods.
The purpose of Matrix Gold Prospecting in the first stage is to determine the location of satisfactorily quality ores (Q) in sufficient quantities (V) that suits the type and capacity of the planned and current equipment (E) so that profitable gold production may start immediately.
The equipment used in the first stage has capacity to process several tonnes of ores per day efficiently, and simplest sampling methods may give exact reports with locations and depths of gold findings.
1) The Preliminary Site Assessment and Inspection have to be finished on the mining site, with the exact solutions and availability of water source for mining purposes, and business and living resources enough that the first stage may begin. During the Preliminary Site Assessment and Inspection, gold occurrences or access to ore-bodies have to be confirmed.
2) The mining license and ownership, legality and any related legal problems have to be completely solved, prior to the commencement of the first stage. There must exist a Primary Mining License or Prospecting License. Any previous partners or agreements have to be reviewed and no prospecting may start without full legal coordination.
3) There must be available solution for business and living resources, estimated up to 30 days work, or longer, including all the basic necessary gold prospecting equipment as described in the section
Three types of prospective ores are tested in the first stage, placer deposits for alluvial gold and lode deposits, including ore-shoots, where possible, for lode-gold.
Discovery of placer gold is leading to the lode gold. As placer gold travels from its source it becomes flattened or rounded. Angular or jagged gold usually has not traveled far.
Surface of up to 5 meters, is examined thoroughly for floats of lode gold, for alluvial gold, and eluvial, so that pointers to lode gold may be found. Placer gold findings are our pointers to prospective lode gold.
Test shafts are to be made down to the bedrock, so that prospective lode gold may be found.
Existing mining shafts and shear zones may be better examined and sampled.
The third type are tailings heaps.
There are three major stages of Matrix Gold Prospecting that our company Start Your Own Gold Mine may conduct on such potential gold mining sites.
TO GET AN ESTIMATE FOR GOLD PROSPECTING SERVICES ON YOUR MINING LAND you may be required to complete the Prospective Joint Venture Questionnaire and engage in conversation until we can fully understand your gold mining land before the arrival.
Possible outcomes from gold prospecting services
Possible outcome of gold prospecting services are following:
depending of the stage of Matrix Gold Prospecting conducted on your mining land, you will know to a certain degree, what possible gold grade is available for future mining.
you as mineral license holder will probably have several open mining shafts and you may find gold bearing veines of minerals.
exact gold prospecting reports are collected and full mapping is provided which helps in estimates of any future investments
our company may become interested at that point for joint venture in case that tangible gold bearing ores have been found
our clients may become interested for joint venture with mineral license holders, as at that point exists full gold prospecting report.
more serious gold exploration steps could be engaged depending of the size of land
Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine
Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine. There is a simple rule at Start Your Own Gold Mine: if we can help you, we do, whenever and wherever necessary, and it's the way we've been doing business since 2002, and the only way we know
Contact Mr. Jean Louis by Telegram at username @rcdrun or by WhatsApp Business. Or call Mr. Louis at +256706271008 in Uganda or send SMS to +256706271008