Sluice bending in Geita, Tanzania

The workshop in Geita, Tanzania is open air workshop, with person that is enough skilled to listen to our dimensions and to bend sluices on an improvized metal brake or metal bending device. As all sluice inserts need to fit one into each other, this is not an easy task to do. Skilled technicians can understand the requirement and simply make it happen.

Sluice bending in Geita, Tanzania

Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine

Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine. There is a simple rule at Start Your Own Gold Mine: if we can help you, we do, whenever and wherever necessary, and it's the way we've been doing business since 2002, and the only way we know

You may talk by Telegram icon Telegram or use the link Or call Mr. Louis at +256706271008 in Uganda or Communication and Reporting Officer I/C, Ms. Happiness Njela +255626100000 in Tanzania.

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