All about pickaxes in the program Start Your Own Gold Mine in East Africa
Here you may see all methods of preparation, handling and maintaining the pickaxes in the program Start Your Own Gold Mine that we conduct in East Africa. We are opening gold mines in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, and any other East African country such as Burundi, South Sudan and even in the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo. We are zealous to get to the gold, forget the commercial series Gold Rush, we may often risk our lives, sometimes we are going deep into forest and jungle whenever necessary, just to get the gold. No fears of snakes or other circumstances that would not appeal to luxury life styles of Europe and North America.
At Start Your Own Gold Mine, we know the importance of pickaxes in our program, especially in East Africa. If you’re interested in starting your own gold mining venture, visit our website Start Your Own Gold Mine to find out more.
- Apprentice in Start Your Own Gold Mine program and supervisor Gaetano mounting metal parts of pickaxes onto its handles
The quality of pickaxes in East Africa is terrible. They are sold in parts, metal pickaxe part is sold separate from wooden handles and neither the metal part nor the wooden handles are all the same, so they have to be prepared and mounted together before any small scale mining work can start. This type of work took about two days to finish, without it, it would not be possible to dig all the alluvial mining pits later in time.
- Method of mounting the metal part of the pickaxe onto its handle
The quality of pickaxes in East Africa is terrible. They are sold in parts, metal pickaxe part is sold separate from wooden handles and neither the metal part nor the wooden handles are all the same, so they have to be prepared and mounted together before any small scale mining work can start.
- Method of mounting the metal part of the pickaxe onto its handle
The quality of pickaxes in East Africa is terrible. They are sold in parts, metal pickaxe part is sold separate from wooden handles and neither the metal part nor the wooden handles are all the same, so they have to be prepared and mounted together before any small scale mining work can start.
- Mounting the metal parts of the pickaxe onto its handle in Kampala, Uganda
The quality of pickaxes in East Africa is terrible. They are sold in parts, metal pickaxe part is sold separate from wooden handles and neither the metal part nor the wooden handles are all the same, so they have to be prepared and mounted together before any small scale mining work can start. We made sure that pickaxes do get its proper function.
- Apprentice in Start Your Own Gold Mine program practicing how to mount metal parts of the pickaxe onto its handles
The quality of pickaxes in East Africa is terrible. They are sold in parts, metal pickaxe part is sold separate from wooden handles and neither the metal part nor the wooden handles are all the same, so they have to be prepared and mounted together before any small scale mining work can start. The apprentice in Start Your Own Gold Mine program is learning and practicing how to prepare handles so that they may be easily mounted together with the metal part of the pickaxe. Without this important step that took even two days to accomplish, we would not be able to dig all the alluvial mining pits later that we dug with exactly these pickaxes.
- Apprentice in Start Your Own Gold Mine program practicing how to mount metal parts of the pickaxe onto its handles
The quality of pickaxes in East Africa is terrible. They are sold in parts, metal pickaxe part is sold separate from wooden handles and neither the metal part nor the wooden handles are all the same, so they have to be prepared and mounted together before any small scale mining work can start. On this video one may see one of our apprentices learning and practicing on how to mount metal parts of the pickaxe onto its wooden handles.
- Method of mounting the metal part of the pickaxe onto its handle
The quality of pickaxes in East Africa is terrible. They are sold in parts, metal pickaxe part is sold separate from wooden handles and neither the metal part nor the wooden handles are all the same, so they have to be prepared and mounted together before any small scale mining work can start. By using the method as on video we are mounting the metal parts of the pickaxe onto its handles.
- Method of mounting the metal part of the pickaxe onto its handle
The quality of pickaxes in East Africa is terrible. They are sold in parts, metal pickaxe part is sold separate from wooden handles and neither the metal part nor the wooden handles are all the same, so they have to be prepared and mounted together before any small scale mining work can start. By using this method as shown on the video we are mounting the metal parts of the pickaxe onto its handles.
- Demonstrating to the mining engineer Patrick how to mount metal parts of the pickaxe on its wooden handle
The quality of pickaxes in East Africa is terrible. They are sold in parts, metal pickaxe part is sold separate from wooden handles and neither the metal part nor the wooden handles are all the same, so they have to be prepared and mounted together before any small scale mining work can start. Here on this video, the apprentice Patrick, mining engineer by profession, is learning how to mount the metal part of the pickaxe onto its wooden handle.
- Method of making sure of safety for the pickaxes
The quality of pickaxes in East Africa is terrible. They are sold in parts, metal pickaxe part is sold separate from wooden handles and neither the metal part nor the wooden handles are all the same, so they have to be prepared and mounted together before any small scale mining work can start. This video shows the method how we are making sure that pickaxes are safe and don't slip off its wooden handle. Wood expands while soaking some water and metal part of the pickaxe remains firmly on its handle.
- Method of mounting the metal part of the pickaxe onto its handle
The quality of pickaxes in East Africa is terrible. They are sold in parts, metal pickaxe part is sold separate from wooden handles and neither the metal part nor the wooden handles are all the same, so they have to be prepared and mounted together before any small scale mining work can start. This is the method of how we are mounting the metal part of the pickaxe onto its wooden handle. Watch the back...
- Preparation of pickaxe handles in our headquarter in Kampala, Uganda
The quality of pickaxes in East Africa is terrible. They are sold in parts, metal pickaxe part is sold separate from wooden handles and neither the metal part nor the wooden handles are all the same, so they have to be prepared and mounted together before any small scale mining work can start.
Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine
Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine. There is a simple rule at Start Your Own Gold Mine: if we can help you, we do, whenever and wherever necessary, and it's the way we've been doing business since 2002, and the only way we know
Contact Mr. Jean Louis by Telegram at username
@rcdrun or by
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Or call Mr. Louis at +256706271008 in
Uganda or send SMS to +256706271008