Import of compressors and jackhammers
On these pages we are demonstrating the importation of compressors and jackhammers as a possible privileged benefit for our clients in the program Start Your Own Gold Mine who are starting new gold mining businesses in Tanzania or in Uganda.
In accordance with the administrative scales, plans, programs, projects, policies, and ideal scenes, the Consultant is not obliged but may provide, and hereby states intentions to provide the following resources and equipment financing to the Client, upon the conditions as described below:
During and before the production start, Consultant and any affiliated companies and representatives may provide other necessary resources, as deemed so by the Consultant, in order to provide resources, money, personnel, materials, tools, equipment for the Purposes and Goals of this contract and for the mutual benefit of the Client and Consultant. If moneys are provided, that has to be calculated by standard accounting rules as loans. If machines or equipment are provided, any expenses in maintenance of machines or equipment, or its energy have to be calculated by standard accounting rules as expenses. The condition for this to occur is that Client adheres to culture, mentality, and that shows good indications of alignment with the Goals and Purposes. Indications are solely decided by the Consultant, and this assistance is a privilege and not an obligation of the Consultant.
Import of compressors and jackhammers
- Maintaining compressors
Repairing the flat tyres of compressors.
- Flat tyre on compressor
Our people are repairing the flat tyres of compressors.
- Road to the mining site
Mining site is about 9 kilometer from the town and requires good driver to pass the watery road. This time we did not make it. We will wait for dry season and then cross over with the container.
- Truck driver and repair of the accessories on the truck
The truck driver is trying to fix some of accessories of the truck along the road to the mining site. The truck was stuck for multiple times.
- Tent on the mining site
The tent have been erected to help the miners work even during the night time.
- German compressors in Tanzania
These compressors were imported from Germany, refurbished, with new batteries, new hoses and couplings, and may include jackhammers.
- Compressors on display in Kahama
Compressors are on display in Kahama for sale…
- M'hengele with compressors in Kahama, Tanzania
Our assistant M'hengele is watching compressors in Kahama, Tanzania…
- Offloading compressors one by one, total of 7 machines
VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Offloading compressors one by one, total of 7 machines
VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Offloading compressors one by one, total of 7 machines
VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Offloading compressors one by one, total of 7 machines
VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Offloading compressors one by one, total of 7 machines
VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Offloading jackhammers
VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Offloading compressors one by one, total of 7 machines
VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Offloading compressors one by one, total of 7 machines
VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Offloading compressors one by one, total of 7 machines
VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Offloading compressors one by one, total of 7 machines
VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Offloading compressors one by one, total of 7 machines
VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Offloading goods from a container
Offloading goods from a container.
- Offloading the pallet full of hoses for compressors
New hoses for the compressors and mining equipment such as jackhammers are on this picture offloaded by using the crane from another truck. VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- It is actually a small crane
This is not a hoist, it is actually a small crane to offload goods from a truck. VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Completely new hoses for compressors with jackhammers
These are completely new hoses for compressors with jackhammers. VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Truck transporting the container to the mining site in Tanzania
The truck is transporting the container to the mining site in Tanzania. VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Container on the road being transported to the mining site
The container is being transported to the mining site through all of Tanzania. VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Port's employee working during the inspection of the container
The port's employee is working during the inspection of the container.
- Compressors in the container
As you can see multiple compressors are in the container ready for further transport to our mining area.
- Humanitarian goods and mining equipment
The container is loaded with mining equipment and humanitarian goods.
- Port's employees opening the container
These port's employees are opening the container for customs inspection.
- The specifications of our container
These are specifications of our container.
- Transporting the neighboring containers so that ours may be liberated
This container is transported away so that ours may be liberated for inspection and later transport. VMTRADE is a program designed by RCD Wealth and Mr. Jean Louis and it is yet another Wealth Generation Plan similar to SYOGM or Start Your Own Gold Mine.
Related pages
- Start Your Own Gold Mine in 45 days with less than US $70,000Start Your Own Gold Mine in 45 days with less than US $70,000 in Africa with full help, training, assistance, mentorship until your become competent in maintaining, organizing and managing small scale mine. Your small scale mining business may grow into medium and large scale mining. Once you start in gold mining business, you will receive all necessary factors necessary for the sustainable gold production: the location and control over at least one mining license or mining claim, the determination of gold bearing ores on such mining site, the necessary equipment for mercury free gold recovery and privileged benefits to enjoy resources that have been created since 2012. You will learn and understand how to Start Your Own Gold Mine through a mentor guided program and how to improve your gold mining production, or alternatively you may purchase gold sourced from our mining sites or engage in gold mining investment opportunities.
- Timeline of development of the Start Your Own Gold Mine business startup programThis is the timeline of development of the Start Your Own Gold Mine business startup program. Beginning from back in 2009 up to today, the business startup program Start Your Own Gold Mine continues to be developed and is today spread over Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The risks are high. Do you have the guts? The motto is: no guts, no glory. Gold is here, ready for you to take it and create your financial freedom. Get the insight into our background development, business pitfalls, ups and downs, failures and succcesses of Start Your Own Gold Mine group of companies.
- Services by Start Your Own Gold MineServices
- Contact Start Your Own Gold MineContact our company Start Your Own Gold Mine for any matters regarding our consulting plan on starting gold mines, services in gold and diamonds or gold mining equipment and establishment of gold trade.
- Start Your Own Gold Mine (1) - IntroductionMy name is John Louis and I am adviser for international investment in gold and provider of consulting and guidance service to start your own gold mine and sustainable gold mining business.
- Start Your Own Gold Mine (2) - Your Wealth PlanYes, you may now own, operate, manage your own gold mine. You get valuable resources, guidance, consulting and equipment, everything ready.
- Start Your Own Gold Mine (3) - consulting, guiding, mentoringWe are Europeans and Americans with gold mining activities in Tanzania. And we are offering to our friends and business partners the opportunity to Start Your Own Gold Mine. Within this opportunity, you are able to start gold mining within 45 days upon your arrival.
- Welcome to Start Your Own Gold MineWelcome to Start Your Own Gold Mine. My name is Jean Louis, call me Mr. John. I am mentor to help you Start Your Own Gold Mine. This is unique opportunity for people who wish to generate wealth within shorter time. Turnkey solution gives you a mining claim and land, equipment, people, accommodation and your first gold mining company.
- Start Your Own Gold Mine is a straightforward, integrated and turnkey business programStart Your Own Gold Mine is a straightforward, integrated and turnkey business program that helps the client to start in gold mining production within 45 days upon company registration. It is carried out as consulting, mentor guided program. The business program Start Your Own Gold Mine is your Wealth Generation Plan as authored and designed by Mr. Jean Louis and the company RCD Wealth. Wealth Generation Plan is well worked out to help our clients obtain wealth and richness within shorter time, and with fast return of investment in order to enjoy financial freedom.
- Where and how to pay the US $22,000 to Start Your Own Gold MineIf you wish to know where the money to Start Your Own Gold Mine will be paid in, it will be our bank account with the Wells Fargo bank for our company Start Your Own Gold Mine in Tacoma, Washington, United States. For more information on how to start your own gold mining company, contact us.
- Services of Start Your Own Gold Mine companyStart Your Own Gold Mine company provides various services including the management of mineral rights, sales of mining and prospecting equipment, training, consulting, sales of ores, evaluation and assaying services of ores, gold and other minerals. We try to help our clients whenever possible. Foreign investors require assistance in Tanzania to bring the vehicles, machinery, to purchase the proper equipment for mining, to know the local customs, tradition, rules and laws. We are providing assistance and support for mining businesses in Tanzania and in other countries.
- Prepaid Gold Forward Sales Contract by Start Your Own Gold MinePrepaid Gold Forward Sales Contract as provided by company Start Your Own Gold Mine is a good way of financing mining production where the buyer of gold may obtain the asset with 20 to 30% discount, and the producer obtains the new mining equipment and machinery and thus enlarges the production capacities. Details are specified on this page.
- Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on How to Start Your Own Gold MineMany clients send us their questions on how to start their own gold mining company, and we answer them. Questions are then edited and published on our website Start Your Own Gold Mine so that other clients may benefit from same answers, and understand what is all necessary to start a gold mining company, what gold mining equipment is required, how to conduct gold prospecting, how to obtain licenses, how to learn about the gold bearing ores, and in general how to conduct the gold mining business.
- Privileged Benefit in Start Your Own Gold Mine ProgramThe privileged benefit in the Start Your Own Gold Mine program is the machinery worth US $50,000 that is provided to our clients who respect human rights and environment with the purpose to speed up the mining production for the first 5 kilograms of gold. The mining equipment provided as privileged benefit to our clients consists of excavation equipment such as winches, compressors, jackhammers, explosives, then rock crushing and rock milling equipment and transportation means.
- About mentor to Start Your Own Gold Mine, Mr. Jean LouisThis page is telling you about the mentor to Start Your Own Gold Mine, Mr. Jean Louis, little about his life story and background in teaching and consulting for business startups. Mr. Jean Louis is born in 1973 and have opened his first official company the first working day of this 18th birthdate. This was 4 years too late, as business was running since he was 14 years. He worked in former Yugoslavia, in theater of Austria, in Germany, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Tanzania and Uganda. He has helped hundreds of businessmen worldwide to establish their own business. Knowledgeable in international corporate laws he has been helping with business startups and asset protections since 2002. Distance management and delegation skills enable him to run multiple teams in multiple countries in the same time. Communication is number one priority. That is the motto of Mr. Louis. Start Your Own Gold Mine with personal and face to face consulting and training by Jean.
Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine
Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine. There is a simple rule at Start Your Own Gold Mine: if we can help you, we do, whenever and wherever necessary, and it's the way we've been doing business since 2002, and the only way we know
You may talk by Telegram or use the
link Or call
Mr. Louis at +256706271008 in Uganda
or Communication and Reporting Officer I/C +255626100000 in Tanzania.