Books about Gold and Mining
Our company Start Your Own Gold Mine provides clients with the basic knowledge, tools, equipment, mining claims and fully integrated and straight forward program to start a gold mining activity. One important part of learning is study of gold prospecting and gold mining books.
- The Business of Mining by Arthur J. Hoskin, M.E.
The Business of Mining, by Arthur J. Hoskin, M.E. - a brief non-technical exposition of principles involved in the profitable operations of mines, book published online as public domain by Start Your Own Gold Mine
- Getting Gold, by J.C.F. Johnson, F.G.S.
Getting Gold, as written by J.C.F. Johnson, F.G.S., is the prepared from a 1898 edition. The gold-mining industry has grown considerably since 1891, and it appeared to the writer that the present would be a propitious time to bring out a similar work, but with a considerably enlarged scope. What has been aimed at is to make "Getting Gold" a compendium, in specially concrete form, of useful information respecting the processes of winning from the soil and the after-treatment of gold and gold ores, including some original practical discoveries by the author.
- The ABC of Mining, by CHARLES A. BRAMBLE, D.L.S.
The ABC of Mining, free book provided by Start Your Own Gold Mine and written back in 1898 by Charles A. Bramble, D.L.S. Treating fully of exploratory and preparatory work of the physical properties of ores, field geology, the occurrence and associations of minerals, methods of chemical analysis and assay, blow-pipe tests, promising indications, and simple methods of working valuable deposits, together with chapters on quartz and hydraulic mining and especial detailed information on placer mining, with an addenda on camp life and medical hints.
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Current Gold and Silver Price
Current gold price as of March 13th 2021 is US $55.52 per gram or US $55526 per kilogram. Current silver price is US $25.93 per ounce or US $0.91 per gram or US $910 per kilogram.
Call Communication and Reporting Officer I/C of Start Your Own Gold Mine company in Tanzania, Mrs. Happiness Njela, on +256771843538
If you wish to call mentor Mr. Jean Louis for anything relating to Start Your Own Gold Mine simply call the number or on mobile devices click on this phone number +256771843538 to get immediately in touch, regardless of the time zone.
Current location of Mentor to Start Your Own Gold Mine
I am Mr. Jean Louis, mentor for Start Your Own Gold Mine program and I am currently located in Kampala, Uganda, preparing for the departure to new mining site on behalf of one of our clients.
I am managing teams of people in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania on distance and exploration and gold mining face to face. We are also promoting our Tanzanite gemstone inventory.
You will need either to contact me or Communication and Reporting Officer I/C and geologist, Mrs. Happiness Njela in Tanzania as described.
Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine
Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine. There is a simple rule at Start Your Own Gold Mine: if we can help you, we do, whenever and wherever necessary, and it's the way we've been doing business since 2002, and the only way we know