Gold pictures and videos as found during the programs Start Your Own Gold Mine
In this category there are various gold nuggets and gold particles, concentrates as found during the program Start Your Own Gold Mine in Tanzania, Uganda and other countries.
- Fine gold in the pan
Fine gold in the pan requires skills to be recovered.
- Fine gold and few bigger particles in the pan
This is fine gold and few bigger particles.
- Fine gold in the pan
This is fine gold in the pan after the field assay on the mineral processing site.
- The best field assay ever
This was the best field assay ever with more than 3,000 particles of gold visible in the pan. The particles are counted by using the hand lens. This is very rich gold ore. Immediately after this assay we have started planning on how to obtain exactly this ore under our control.
- 14 grams of gold on the scale
This is 14 grams of gold on the gold scale. This is about 14 grams of gold that miners upon my insistence recovered by simply panning the gold concentrate. They have first recovered all the gold without mercury. I was happy, and came there to see the result and eventually buy the gold. We are buying only environmentally friendly recovered gold. That means that gold recovered with mercury we are not to buy. We do tolerate our clients who are buying such gold and advising them how to buy it safely.
- Gold recovered with mercury again mixed with mercury
This is about 14 grams of gold that miners upon my insistence recovered by simply panning the gold concentrate. They have first recovered all the gold without mercury. I was happy, and came there to see the result and eventually buy the gold. We are buying only environmentally friendly recovered gold. That means that gold recovered with mercury we are not to buy. We do tolerate our clients who are buying such gold and advising them how to buy it safely. When I have arrived on this location we found…
- More than half a kilogram of gold in my hand
This gold is of purity 80% and it is more than half a kilogram.
- More than half a kilogram of gold in my hand
This is more than half a kilogram of gold in my hand.
- Gold nugget
Gold nugget on the scale…
- 0.242 grams of gold nugget on the scale
This is gold nugget on the scale.
- Gold nugget on my finger
Gold nugget on my finger…
- Gold nugget on my finger
Gold nugget on my finger.
- Gold nugget on my finger
This is gold nugget on my finger.
- Gold nugget
Gold nugget with some soil particles.
- Gold nugget
This is beautiful yet unclean gold nugget. It contains soil particles.
- Melted gold in the vial
This is melted gold in the vial.
- Melted gold in the vial
Vial is a small bottle usually for drugs, medicine, specimens. This is gold in the vial. It is easier to contain it that way.
- 2.614 grams of gold on the scale
This is 2.614 grams of gold on the scale, just after melting.
- 2.63 grams of gold after melting
This is 2.63 grams of gold after melting on the scale.
- Melted gold in the gold pan
This is melted gold in the gold pan…
- Gold in glass of water
Gold in the glass of water after melting. Pour the hot gold into water after taking it out of the gold melting furnace.
- Grams of gold in glass
This is gold after melting in the glass.
- Few grams of gold after melting
These are few grams of gold after melting…
- Tweezers to take the graphite crucible out of the furnace
To take the graphite crucible for gold melting one need to use proper tweezers. Asbestos hand gloves are recommended as well.
- Melting gold in the furnace
Gold in the furnace need to be shaken with the graphite stick so to melt better.
- Melting gold in the melting furnace
This is melting furnace and it is how it looks like inside until the furnace reaches the metling point.
- Melting furnace for gold
This is melting furnace for gold. It can melt 1 kilograms in an hour.
- Melting of gold
Laurence is melting gold with the melting furnace.
- Gold balls with mercury in gold pan
Mercury is dangerous substance that may cause cancer and other diseases. It pollutes human body, animals, plants, water source and environment. In our mining program Start Your Own Gold Mine we are not using mercury but recovering it when necessary and teaching miners how to implement mercury free methods. We do not use mercury in our programs. This gold was brought to us as sample from a mining site.
- Gold ball as collected with mercury
Mercury is dangerous substance that may cause cancer and other diseases. It pollutes human body, animals, plants, water source and environment. In our mining program Start Your Own Gold Mine we are not using mercury but recovering it when necessary and teaching miners how to implement mercury free methods. On the picture one can see gold balls as result from rudimentary local gold recovery methods. We are not using mercury in our program Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- Gold nugget on the hand of a miner
This is gold nugget on the hand of a local miner. Surprisingly on this mining location all the small gold was disposed into the soil and only large gold nuggets collected by miners. We bought gold nuggets as many as we could.
- Gold nuggets
These gold nuggets are natural and have been found nearby the Geita Gold Mining company in Geita, Tanzania.
- Nice gold nugget in my hand
This is nice gold nugget in my hand.
- 1.426 grams of gold nugget in the hand
This is 1.426 grams of gold nugget.
- Beautiful gold nugget
Beautiful gold nugget on this picture was found on one of the mining sites.
- 1.018 grams of gold nugget on the scale
This is 1.018 grams of gold nugget on the scale.
- One beautiful gram of gold nugget
This is one beautiful gram of gold nugget we found on the mining site and cleaned it thereafter with the apple cider.
- First gold we bought in Tanzania back in 2012
This is first gold we bought in Tanzania back in 2012. One of miners arrived to our office, we have melted the gold and bought it.
Related pages
Current Gold and Silver Price
Current gold price as of March 13th 2021 is US $55.52 per gram or US $55526 per kilogram. Current silver price is US $25.93 per ounce or US $0.91 per gram or US $910 per kilogram.
Call Communication and Reporting Officer I/C of Start Your Own Gold Mine company in Tanzania, Mrs. Happiness Njela, on +256771843538
If you wish to call mentor Mr. Jean Louis for anything relating to Start Your Own Gold Mine simply call the number or on mobile devices click on this phone number +256771843538 to get immediately in touch, regardless of the time zone.
Current location of Mentor to Start Your Own Gold Mine
I am Mr. Jean Louis, mentor for Start Your Own Gold Mine program and I am currently located in Kampala, Uganda, preparing for the departure to new mining site on behalf of one of our clients.
I am managing teams of people in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania on distance and exploration and gold mining face to face. We are also promoting our Tanzanite gemstone inventory.
You will need either to contact me or Communication and Reporting Officer I/C and geologist, Mrs. Happiness Njela in Tanzania as described.
Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine
Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine. There is a simple rule at Start Your Own Gold Mine: if we can help you, we do, whenever and wherever necessary, and it's the way we've been doing business since 2002, and the only way we know