Fine gold recovery methods and results
Fine gold recovery methods and results are discussed in this category. That is an important money bringing subject in gold mining. Fine gold is so much lost in mining operations, and is everywhere in existence, yet cannot be captured by well known or popular methods. There are only few inexpensive methods that exist in the world that can give good results in recovery of fine gold. Classification of particle sizes before the final recovery is one of the key principles that each gold prospector shall know and use. Gold panning is the other one. Fine gold can be easily panned out when all procedures are respected.
- Fine gold recovery system preparation
Fine gold recovery system may be improvized with simplest tools.
- Bilge pump and protection in the water
This is how bilge pump have been mounted so that it is protected from other soil particles.
- Simple super concentration setup
This simple super concentration setup is using recirculated water and bilge pump to recover fine gold particles.
- Black sand sorted in buckets by their size
Mesh is the number of openings per linear inch of a screen or measures size of particles, and that is how we are sorting the black sand.
- Separation of particles by their sizes
Particles are sorted and separated in various buckets by their sizes.
- The bucket with 50-100 mesh particles
This bucket contains particles from 50 to 100 mesh in size.
- Black sand in the bucket
This is black sand, more over this is magnetite that we are using in the technology of fine gold recovery.
- Magnetite particles collected in the bucket
This is bucket with magnetite particles of particular size as collected in the bucket.
- Black sand sorting with buckets
The black sand or better said magnetite is sorted in buckets. A transparent tape sticks on the side of buckets, it may not be visible on pictures. Over the transparent tape the mesh sizes are written so that various magnetite particles may be separated. Similar process can be used for quick and field particle size analysis.
- Set of sieves on the bucket
This is stack of sieves on the bucket for basic particle separation and black sand preparation.
- Sieves and buckets for gold prospecting
Sieves of various mesh sizes and buckets are used in gold prospecting and final gold recovery.
- Set of sieves for basic gold prospecting
Sets of sieves are so much valuable tool for basic gold prospecting. Quick particle size analysis can be made with this set of sieves, and more over, they are used in quick final gold recovery.
- Collecting black sand from rain drainage
Rain is bringing iron particles down the streams and natural drainage streams. Those places are researched and magnetite is collected to recover gold.
- Collection of black sand from natural drainage
The black sand is collected on numerous, various places, directly from rain drainage.
- Mr. M'hengele Nkwabi calling people during black sand collection
As you may see there are buckets around, as this is the action of collection of black sand, magnetite and some hematite. Such is used in recovery of gold particles. Normally miners are removing or separating black sand and it is funny that we even need it in larger quantities, as we are using magnetite in the technology we are applying to recover gold.
- Collection of black sand in Geita, Tanzania
Magnetite, hematite and other heavy minerals are well known as black sand, they are disturbance to many gold prospectors and hinders final gold panning. Some companies are using magnetic separators to remove such black sand. Quite opposite on our side. The technology we are using requires black sand, so we are often collecting it.
- Natural drainage is chosen to collect black sand
Mr. M'hengele Nkwabi is collecting black sand from natural rain drainage in Geita, Tanzania.
- Mr. M'hengele Nkwabi getting ready to collect magnetite minerals
Mr. M'hengele Nkwabi is getting ready in Geita, Tanzania, to collect the magnetite minerals. It is also known as black sand. We use magnets to collect black sand from natural drainages or mining places.
- Processing the one pan of tailing within 5 minutes
One pan of tailing soil was processed within 5 minutes in order to find the fine gold particles. Once fully understood, the process may be repeated over and over again with accuracy and certainty. It requires that a gold prospector or miner fully process the material and get a feeling of how much gold is inside there. And then by comparing those tests one may get a feeling of the ratio. In the same time I am mentioning accuracy and certainty, and then there is the contradiction that one need to get…
- You should be using always the same quantity of material when testing for gold
This is one Garrett Prospecting Gold Pan full and leveled with classified soil from a tailing heap. The soil was first classified for particles larger than 8 mesh, to find out what percentage of larger gravel is in the heaps. Then it was classified for particles smaller than 20 mesh, as I did not want to test for gold nuggest larger than 20 mesh. I know they do exist in these heaps from other tests. And I am fine with it. There is no point in searching for few nuggets in large volume of material…
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