The 10 Principles of the International Council on Mining & Metals
The International Council on Mining & Metals has adopted 10 principles for mining that are based on leading international standards and human rights.
The 10 principles
- Implement and maintain ethical business practices and sound systems of corporate governance.
- Integrate sustainable development considerations within the corporate decision-making process.
- Uphold fundamental human rights and respect cultures, customs and values in dealings with employees and others who are affected by our activities.
- Implement risk management strategies based on valid data and sound science.
- Seek continual improvement of our health and safety performance.
- Seek continual improvement of our environmental performance.
- Contribute to conservation of biodiversity and integrated approaches to land use planning.
- Facilitate and encourage responsible product design, use, re-use, recycling and disposal of our products.
- Contribute to the social, economic and institutional development of the communities in which we operate.
- Implement effective and transparent engagement, communication and independently verified reporting arrangements with our stakeholders.
Implement and maintain ethical business practices and sound systems of corporate governance.
- develop and implement company statements of ethical business principles, and practices that management is committed to enforcing
- implement policies and practices that seek to prevent bribery and corruption
- comply with or exceed the requirements of host-country laws and regulations
- work with governments, industry and other stakeholders to achieve appropriate and effective public policy, laws, regulations and procedures that facilitate the mining, minerals and metals sector’s contribution to sustainable development within national sustainable development strategies.
Integrate sustainable development considerations within the corporate decision-making process.
- integrate sustainable development principles into company policies and practices
- plan, design, operate and close operations in a manner that enhances sustainable development
- implement good practice and innovate to improve social, environmental and economic performance while enhancing shareholder value
- encourage customers, business partners and suppliers of goods and services to adopt principles and practices that are comparable to our own
- provide sustainable development training to ensure adequate competency at all levels among our own employees and those of contractors
- support public policies and practices that foster open and competitive markets.
Uphold fundamental human rights and respect cultures, customs and values in dealings with employees and others who are affected by our activities.
- ensure fair remuneration and work conditions for all employees and do not use forced, compulsory or child labour
- provide for the constructive engagement of employees on matters of mutual concern
- implement policies and practices designed to eliminate harassment and unfair discrimination in all aspects of our activities
- ensure that all relevant staff, including security personnel, are provided with appropriate cultural and human rights training and guidance
- minimize involuntary resettlement, and compensate fairly for adverse effects on the community where they cannot be avoided
- respect the culture and heritage of local communities, including Indigenous Peoples.
Implement risk management strategies based on valid data and sound science.
- consult with interested and affected parties in the identification, assessment and management of all significant social, health, safety, environmental and economic impacts associated with our activities
- ensure regular review and updating of risk management systems
- inform potentially affected parties of significant risks from mining, minerals and metals operations and of the measures that will be taken to manage the potential risks effectively
- develop, maintain and test effective emergency response procedures in collaboration with potentially affected parties.
Seek continual improvement of our health and safety performance.
- implement a management system focused on continual improvement of all aspects of operations that could have a significant impact on the health and safety of our own employees, those of contractors and the communities where we operate
- take all practical and reasonable measures to eliminate workplace fatalities, injuries and diseases among our own employees and those of contractors
- provide all employees with health and safety training, and require employees of contractors to have undergone such training
- implement regular health surveillance and risk-based monitoring of employees
- rehabilitate and reintegrate employees into operations following illness or injury, where feasible.
Seek continual improvement of our environmental performance.
- assess the positive and negative, the direct and indirect, and the cumulative environmental impacts of new projects – from exploration through closure
- implement an environmental management system focused on continual improvement to review, prevent, mitigate or ameliorate adverse environmental impacts
- rehabilitate land disturbed or occupied by operations in accordance with appropriate post-mining land uses
- provide for safe storage and disposal of residual wastes and process residues
- design and plan all operations so that adequate resources are available to meet the closure requirements of all operations.
Contribute to conservation of biodiversity and integrated approaches to land use planning.
- respect legally designated protected areas
- disseminate scientific data on and promote practices and experiences in biodiversity assessment and management
- support the development and implementation of scientifically sound, inclusive and transparent procedures for integrated approaches to land use planning, biodiversity, conservation and mining.
Facilitate and encourage responsible product design, use, re-use, recycling and disposal of our products.
- advance understanding of the properties of metals and minerals and their life-cycle effects on human health and the environment
- conduct or support research and innovation that promotes the use of products and technologies that are safe and efficient in their use of energy, natural resources and other materials
- develop and promote the concept of integrated materials management throughout the metals and minerals value chain
- provide regulators and other stakeholders with scientifically sound data and analysis regarding our products and operations as a basis for regulatory decisions
- support the development of scientifically sound policies, regulations, product standards and material choice decisions that encourage the safe use of mineral and metal products.
Contribute to the social, economic and institutional development of the communities in which we operate.
- engage at the earliest practical stage with likely affected parties to discuss and respond to issues and conflicts concerning the management of social impacts
- ensure that appropriate systems are in place for ongoing interaction with affected parties, making sure that minorities and other marginalized groups have equitable and culturally appropriate means of engagement
- contribute to community development from project development through closure in collaboration with host communities and their representatives
- encourage partnerships with governments and non-governmental organizations to ensure that programs (such as community health, education, local business development) are well designed and effectively delivered
- enhance social and economic development by seeking opportunities to address poverty.
Implement effective and transparent engagement, communication and independently verified reporting arrangements with our stakeholders.
- report on our economic, social and environmental performance and contribution to sustainable development
- provide information that is timely, accurate and relevant
- engage with and respond to stakeholders through open consultation processes.
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