The front panel of the melting oven for 1 kg of gold
This is the front panel of the small melting oven for gold. The maximum quantity for this melting oven is 1 kg of gold.
This melting oven is ideal for scrap gold or gold nuggets.
When recovering the gold from tailing heaps on mining sites in Tanzania, Uganda or Kenya, such gold often contains mercury.
In that case it is advisable to first separate mercury by using retorts.
After separation of mercury such melting oven as this one may be used to melt the final gold.
Flux such as borax shall be used only if there are non-precious metal parts together with the gold.
If there is only gold even as alloyed, borax may not be required.
Related pages on subject of gold melting
- Pouring the gold into the mold - You may see here how gold is quickly poured into the hot mold. After pouring the gold into the mold, shake it a little, give it few kicks, so that any remaining impurities, dirt or borax or remaining particles of gold may come out. Keep those impurities for later refining.
- Quickly adding gold scrap into the melting oven - If you wish to add some gold into the melting oven, do not delay as not to decrease the temperature. Quickly open the melting oven with one hand, and by using tweezers or small scoop, add the scrap gold into the oven.
- Human fat burning while melting the scrap gold - What you may see on this video is human fat burning while melting the gold scrap. Necklaces and bracelets often collect parts of human fat and during the melting stage they quickly burn out.
- Pouring the gold into the mold - Once gold has been melted in the melting oven, you are pouring the gold into the mold. There is no waiting time. The process must be done without delays. The mold must be heated and is usually held on the top of the oven to keep its temperature always hot. Asbestos gloves must be used, as otherwise you cannot handle the hot mold. You take the tweezers in the hand, quickly open the melting oven, then fix the crucible with tweezers and poour the gold into the mold.
- Quick gold mixing with the graphite stab - During the melting process one need to quickly open the melting oven, then use the special graphite stab to mix the gold, and then quickly close the melting oven.
- During melting mold is held on the hot gold melting oven - During the melting process the mold must be heated. As if the mold is not heated and very hot, pouring gold into cold mold would result with the burst of the melted gold. Basic safety gear are protective glasses, asbestos gloves and protective apron. When opening the oven to see or verify if gold have been melted, one should be fast. Open the oven, look inside, shake the gold, and close the oven as fast as possible. Don't let the temperature go down during your observation.
Related pages
- Pouring the gold into the mold - You may see here how gold is quickly poured into the hot mold. After pouring the gold into the mold, shake it a little, give it few kicks, so that any remaining impurities, dirt or borax or remaining particles of gold may come out. Keep those impurities for later refining.
- Quickly adding gold scrap into the melting oven - If you wish to add some gold into the melting oven, do not delay as not to decrease the temperature. Quickly open the melting oven with one hand, and by using tweezers or small scoop, add the scrap gold into the oven.
- Human fat burning while melting the scrap gold - What you may see on this video is human fat burning while melting the gold scrap. Necklaces and bracelets often collect parts of human fat and during the melting stage they quickly burn out.
- Pouring the gold into the mold - Once gold has been melted in the melting oven, you are pouring the gold into the mold. There is no waiting time. The process must be done without delays. The mold must be heated and is usually held on the top of the oven to keep its temperature always hot. Asbestos gloves must be used, as otherwise you cannot handle the hot mold. You take the tweezers in the hand, quickly open the melting oven, then fix the crucible with tweezers and poour the gold into the mold.
- Quick gold mixing with the graphite stab - During the melting process one need to quickly open the melting oven, then use the special graphite stab to mix the gold, and then quickly close the melting oven.
- During melting mold is held on the hot gold melting oven - During the melting process the mold must be heated. As if the mold is not heated and very hot, pouring gold into cold mold would result with the burst of the melted gold. Basic safety gear are protective glasses, asbestos gloves and protective apron. When opening the oven to see or verify if gold have been melted, one should be fast. Open the oven, look inside, shake the gold, and close the oven as fast as possible. Don't let the temperature go down during your observation.
Current Gold and Silver Price
Current gold price as of March 13th 2021 is US $55.52 per gram or US $55526 per kilogram. Current silver price is US $25.93 per ounce or US $0.91 per gram or US $910 per kilogram.
Call Communication and Reporting Officer I/C of Start Your Own Gold Mine company in Tanzania, Mrs. Happiness Njela, on +256771843538
If you wish to call mentor Mr. Jean Louis for anything relating to Start Your Own Gold Mine simply call the number or on mobile devices click on this phone number +256771843538 to get immediately in touch, regardless of the time zone.
Current location of Mentor to Start Your Own Gold Mine
I am Mr. Jean Louis, mentor for Start Your Own Gold Mine program and I am currently located in Kampala, Uganda, preparing for the departure to new mining site on behalf of one of our clients.
I am managing teams of people in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania on distance and exploration and gold mining face to face. We are also promoting our Tanzanite gemstone inventory.
You will need either to contact me or Communication and Reporting Officer I/C and geologist, Mrs. Happiness Njela in Tanzania as described.
Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine
Contact us to Start Your Own Gold Mine. There is a simple rule at Start Your Own Gold Mine: if we can help you, we do, whenever and wherever necessary, and it's the way we've been doing business since 2002, and the only way we know