Ideal scene for geologist in Start Your Own Gold Mine program

This is an ideal scene for any associated geologist in Start Your Own Gold Mine program:

Geologist must be able, willing and ready to travel to any location to undertake geological activities. Geologist must carry at any time during geological activities those most essential printed handbooks or instructions with notes. Geologist must know how to descend and ascend into and from mining pits at any time in safe manner. Geologist will reasonably refuse descending or visiting unsafe mining pits.

Geologist wears at all times neat cloths, or neat uniform or t-shirts or shirts distinguishing geologist from other people, with the hat or cap that indicates geological or mining work; always carry helmet on the area of each mining site and instructs others to do the same; always carries clipboard, notebook, pens, basic small geological tools such as magnifier and acids, geological pick, bag for samples and camera.

Reports are provided to the level of accuracy that may be guaranteed by geologist. Information and data has to be properly referenced. Geologist will designate reports as being either general or very specific to the mining site and follows common geological report check lists and templates.

Geologist presents oneself with authority among other people on the site.

Geologist is able to direct people or obtain samples from tailing stockpiles, alluvial ores and lode ores. Geologist knows how to measure stockpiles and determine the specific density of ores in order to calculate final results.

Geologist is able to test any kind of soil for gold present and have got ability and skill to detect and estimate gold recoverable in tailings, alluvial ores and lode ores. Geologist is able to recognize diamonds, gemstones, lead, mica, chromite, tin, coltan and other similar minerals. Geologist know how and where to obtain XRF assay, fire assay and knows how to interpret its results.

Geologist knows how to properly get permission for export of samples to laboratories, and to ship samples to laboratories. Geologist knows how to analyse and write final outcomes known as gold recoverable and gold present.

Geologist understands how geological work influences the overall Start Your Own Gold Mine business to provide abundant exchange with clients so that they and our business produce minerals and wealth.

Geologist is member of geological societies and in capacity to provide internationally recognized and valuable geological reports that contribute to wealth creation.

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Copyright © 2021-04-03 09:13:08.394549+02 by Jean Marc Louis.

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